Desiring Dead Flesh

Some Information about Desiring Dead Flesh.
(A Bio I guess it would be called)

Desiring Dead Flesh was started in the summer of 2000 by Bryan Hampton from Ripped Heart Productions in Mid-Michigan. After more than a decade of running shows (Ripped Heart), sound (Not My Show Sound, recording demos for other bands and other things to support the local scene in Mid-Michigan, Bryan decided to do what most people start out doing in the scene, 'Sing' for a punk band. Bryan lives in Bay City, MI with his wife Julie and their 2 kids Adam and Ravyn. The band's style is heavily influenced from 80s hardcore punk with short, fast songs filled with gang vocals and energy. Some of the songs are about serious topics, some about the scene and family, and some are just meant to be fun humor songs. Despite numerous member changes over the years the band has continued to play out, write songs and have fun.

Desiring Dead Flesh Members

Words - Bryan Hampton
Bass - TJ Lutz
Guitar - Pat K.
Drums - Adam Hampton

Gang Vocals - all of you at the shows
Merch table - stephanie (aka the skull)

Even though going through continual line up changes has its frustrations, it has given me the chance to play with many great people. Everyone here holds a special place in the history of Desiring Dead Flesh as well as a special place in my heart. I'm glad to have worked with all of them and very thankful to them.
Here is the list of PAST MEMBERS:

Ryan Hodgins (Two for Flinching) - bass (07-2000 - 12-2000)
Jon K. (Somewhere Safe, Two for Flinching) - guitar (07-2000 - 12-2000)
Shawn Hodgins (Throatpunch) - drums (07-2000 - 12-2000)
Josh Hales (And After the Fire, Throatpunch) - bass (01-2001 - 12-2001)
Steve Caird - guitar (01-2001 - 05-2002)
Adam (Victim of Brutality, Drop the Gloves, Fight it Out) - filled in on drums and bass (10-2001 - 5-2002)
Chad Hodges (Fight it Out, Drop the Gloves) - drums (01-2001 - 06-2002)
Ben Macky - drums (07-2002 - 8-2002)
Jake Davis (The Apathetics) - Guitar (05-2002 - 10-2002)
Aaron Glady - bass/guitar (05-2002 - 11-2003)
Mike (Reva) filled in on Drums @ Cornerstone 2002
Dave (The Kidney Stones, Reva) filled in on Guitar @ Conerstone 2002
Suzi (Green Means Go) filled in on drums (09-2002)
Sam Powell (Four Deadly Plagues) - drums (10-2002 - 06-2003)
Scott - guitar (02-2003 - 06-2003)
Jodi (Green Means Go) - filled in on Guitar (12-2002 - 11-2003)
Wes (Shot Put Menagerie) - filled in Drums (07-2003 - 09-2003)
Jamie Goodell (the armoured trucks, the last campaign) - bass (06-2003 - 07-2004, 11-2004 - 2-2005)
Phil Oleck (The Scoundrels, Mercury Radio Theater) - filled in Drums some in 03 and early 04 and later joined (09-2003 - 03-2004)
Rob P. - Guitar (11-2003 - 03-2003)
Derek (Triple Gain, The Average Distractions, The Hush Childern) - filled in on Drums (04-2004 - 06-2004)
Justin Tinsey (Triple Gain) - filled in on Guitar (04-2004 - 06-2004)
Green Means Go (Jodi-guitar, Beth-guitar, Jenny-bass Suzi-drums) filled in at Cornerstone 2004
Ken Spegiel (12 Angry Men, Salt, Wrath of Staci, Six Foot Drop) - filling in on Drums (07-2004 - 07-2005)
Shaun (The Cripples) - filling in on bass (07-2004 - 09-2004)
Dru (Salt, Wrath of Staci, Atonement) - filled in on Bass (10-2004 - 12-2004)
Paul Sheridan - drums (05-2005)
Scott Morrish - (The Yulgits, The Polish Divers, The Dirty Droogs) - filled in on drums (05-2005, 11-2005)
Josh Corrian (The Cripples, Teenage Angst Stars, The Heart Eaters) - guitar (07-2004 - 05-2006)
Scott Schepp - drums (12-2005 - 06-2006)
Mike Kelly (Now or Never) - Bass (punk prom '04; 04-2005 - 12-2006)
Dan Glasser (Lucky 13) - drums (06-2006 - 05-2007)
Dan S - guitar (05-2006 - 09-07, 07-08 to present)
Ramsey (Joey Rumor, The Standards, Earthen Hut) - bass (12-2006 - 07-07)
Nick (Endless Addiction, In The Eyes of the Beholder) - drums (06-2007 - 06-2007)
Matt (The Aklo Tome, From The Jowels of the Fallen Beast) - drums (08-2007 to 02/2009)
TJ Lutz - Bass (07-2007 to present)
Pat K. - guitar (08-2007 to present)
Adam Hampton - (02-2007 to present)

What Does Desiring Dead Flesh sing about?
The 'scene' (God Save The Scene, Unity Beyond, Call us Dicks, Chords, Magically Tough...),
family and faith (A Day with Dad, Kmart's Parking Lot, Broom Tree, Homeless, Unappreciated, Wedgie...),
politcal - social topics (Postpartum Abortion, A Bottle of Beer, Debt, God Bless Afghanistan, Playground, Never Broken...)
and some are just for fun (Stop the Fire, Cannibal, Cold Frame, Phone Company Hates Hardcore, Bologna...)

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More info about Desiring Dead Flesh on the Web: Desiring%20Dead%20FleshQuantcast

Ripped Heart Productions - nms PA rentals - Desiring Dead Flesh